☀️ Meet the Fairydolls - Madison ☀️

☀️ Meet the Fairydolls - Madison ☀️
Next up in our Meet the Fairydolls 🧚‍♀️ series is Madison or as we call her ☀️ Sunshine ☀️!!!
Madison has been with us for 2 years and has really been a driving force in turning us into what we are today!  
She serves as a model, a photographer, she handles customer service, social media and so much more.  She also is in charge of keeping us all straight, which I'm sure she would tell you is her hardest job!
She is a recent college graduate, and is about to begin her new big adventure!  She will be a 1st year kindergarten teacher at a local elementary school!  I have never seen someone so excited to start their career as Madison is to become a teacher.  Those kids are going to be lucky to have her!
TBF Boutique Women's Boutique Fashion.  Birthday fashion.